I had my doctor's appointment on Monday, and, being a first time Mommy-to-be, I had a little scare. For the next few appointments, the doctor is going to introduce himself or herself, shake my hand, whip out what I am assuming is a hand-held version of an ultra-sound machine, find my sweet baby's heartbeat, tell me I'm still pregnant, and send me on my merry way.
Well, Peanut, apparently, did not cooperate with us on Monday. The doctor could not find the baby's heartbeat with the little hand-held ultra sound machine! That scared me, but the doctor and nurses assured me that it was perfectly normal for that to happen. They shoved me into a real ultra-sound room, and the millisecond we found Peanut, Peanut was moving up and down. It was SO awesome to watch the baby move-- I laughed. The doctor smiled at me and told me that if the baby is moving, then, obviously, it is alive and well. We tracked down a heartbeat, took a quick (but blurry) snapshot, and called it a day.

If you look closely (I know it is super blurry-- the goal of this ultrasound was not to get a picture, but it turned out to be a perk!), you can see the face; you just have to look down-- Peanut is hanging out upside down! :)
I have been really blessed to not be very sick. I have extremely random food aversions: I cannot eat ranch dressing or any creamy dressing on a salad, I cannot eat cereal when it is too soppy (so I have decreaed the amount of milk I put in it), and Mexican does not appeal to me the way it used to. I have been extremely tired, though that is nothing new for me. I have taken advantage of this break to just nap and sleep in. My back also occasionaly hurts, but I keep quiet about that because most people just tell me it is going to get worse. I have also had some pretty messed up dreams! I have only gained about two pounds so far, and I think that is simply because I had a weigh-in right after Christmas! My momma got me a work out video that is safe for pregnancy, and I cannot wait to get started on it.
I have procrastinated on packing long enough-- Chris and I are heading out of town for 5 days to North Carolina and Tennessee. We are SO excited! It's our Christmas present to each other.
2009 is looking to be really good for this little family, and I hope it brings many joys and blessings to all of us! :)
Happy New Year!