Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
One Month!
James had his one month check up today.
He is 11 pounds, 4 ounces and 22 inches in length. He is in the 90th percentile for growth!!! He is a healthy boy; what a blessing!
My wonderful friend came on down yesterday, on his one month birthday exactly, and took several sweet pictures of the little dude. Scroll on down to see them! :) Enjoy!

He is 11 pounds, 4 ounces and 22 inches in length. He is in the 90th percentile for growth!!! He is a healthy boy; what a blessing!
My wonderful friend came on down yesterday, on his one month birthday exactly, and took several sweet pictures of the little dude. Scroll on down to see them! :) Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
James' first waterfall adventure!
Yesterday was a beautiful day; we could not help but get outside and flock north to our Georgia mountains. We enjoyed our first family trip to a waterfall-- to Tocoa Falls. It was a peaceful, beautiful, and extremely short hike to a simple and angelic waterfall. Below are pictures from our adventure!

Be sure to scroll on down to see more pictures of James!
Two posts in one day-- man! James is sleeping really well right now...
Be sure to scroll on down to see more pictures of James!
Two posts in one day-- man! James is sleeping really well right now...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
My baby story :)
This is MY baby story... after many summer afternoons of watching the show on TLC, hoping little James would take a hint, I finally get to tell my baby story. :)
Friday, June 26- I had my weekly check up late in the afternoon. My doctor told me that I was already dialated 2 cm and 90% effaced. The nurses gave me a list of the doctors on-call that weekend... just in case. I went home, and, as I was driving, contractions began. I felt contractions for 7 hours, starting at about 10-15 minutes apart and eventually reaching 6 minutes apart. I called the doctor on call because we live 45 minutes from the hospital, but he told me to wait until they were 5 minutes apart. Then they stopped an hour after I got off the phone with him.
Saturday, June 27 (evening)- Contractions start up again, but are all over the place. We don't think too much of them.
Sunday, June 28- I had a small suspicion that my water had broken. I say slight suspicion because it wasn't anything dramatic. I wasn't sure, and I really didn't want to worry over it to the point of going to the hospital just to be sent back home. I decided that if I still felt that way Monday morning, I would call my doctor's office and make an appointment.
Monday, June 29: 10:40am- I called the doctor's office because I still felt like my water was broken. I set up an appointment for 1:30pm, showered, re-packed our hospital bag, ate some lunch, and headed out to the doctor!
Monday, June 29:
2:15pm- I got called back and met with the doctor. He conducted a nitrozine (spelling???) test to see if my water had broken, but it was negative. He then took a sample and looked at it under the microscope... and found that my water had maybe not broken, but was leaking from a tear. No matter what had happened, he found amniotic fluid. He sent me immediately to the hospital because my water could have been leaking for over 24 hours, which could increase chances of infection for the baby.
2:30pm- I made the super quick drive across Athens to St. Mary's, parked the car, walked on in, and admitted myself, much to the amusement of everyone who registered me. I then walked myself up to labor and delivery, handed my paperwork to the nurse at the desk, and walked back to my room! (Chris, at this point, was already in Madison, either waiting for me to come home, upset and disappointed, or for a phone call for him to meet me in Athens!)
3:30pm- I was all settled in. Once I walked into my room, I changed into the glamorous hospital gown, settled in the bed, and immediately met the doctor on call. He wanted to get the labor going, so he rushed right on in, ran another nitrozine test (which was inconclusive in his opinion), then broke my water! He told me that I was having the baby by midnight, and I told him I was all for it! My nurse then hooked me up to an IV, running antibiotics, fluids, and pitocin through me. At this point, I was just hanging out, making phone calls, and waiting for labor to really start.
5:30pm- Labor had really kicked in, and the contractions were pretty painful and coming rather closely together. I was only at 4cm, but the nurse asked me if I wanted to start some pain management meds. I really wasn't sure, and she assured me that the time would come where I would really want pain meds. She said she would administer them when I wanted them.
6:30pm-ish- I kinda started to loose track of time here due to extreme pain. I had indeed reached the point where contractions were strong and close, providing little time for relief, and I was begging for my first round of pain meds, which was Staedal. This medicine was supposed to take the edge off and knock me out for about an hour, so they administered the meds and upped the level of pitocin at the same time. My dcotor wanted me further along in labor before I had an epideral because sometimes an epideral will slow down the labor.
7:00-8:00pm- A half an hour after the meds were administered, I realized they were NOT WORKING. I had about an hour straight of contraction after contraction with little relief in between. I requested an epideral, but both my doctor and the anesthesiologist were in an emergency c-section operation, and I had to go through another bag of fluid before they could give me an epideral.
8:00pm- The anesthesiologist arrived! I had never been more excited! Chris signed consent for my epideral (I was in too much pain!), and the anesthesiologist rambled on about all the side effects and what not, and began to prep me for the procedure.
8:30pm- Mere seconds after the epideral was administered, I felt relief. It came just in time. At this point, I was at 6cm.
9:00pm- They checked me, and I was at 9cm! Things were rocking right along, and the nurses and my dcotor began getting everything prepared for delivery as we all hung out in the waiting room.
9:45ish-10:00pm- I was ready! My bed was broken, though, so they had to track down another one, transfer me to it, hook it all back up, and begin!
10:49pm- James Randolph Edwards was born, and he hollered pretty much immediately. Chris announced his arrival with a simple text message: "He's hollering!"
The nurses set right to work, cleaning him and measuring him. Before they checked his weight, they asked me what I thought he weighed. I guessed around 8.5 pounds. They placed him on the scale, and, much to my surprise, he weighed a whopping 9 pounds, 8 ounces! I never would have guessed! Goodness! :)
Tonight, one week later, we are back in the hospital. Sweet James is jaundiced. He's hanging out under a phototherapy lamp while Chris and I are hanging out, patiently waiting for his billi levels to go back down. It breaks my heart to watch him just lying there, fussy because he can't be held, with little sunglasses covering up his pretty eyes. He will hopefully get better soon so we can all be home together.
What a blessing he is to Chris and me! :) A new chapter of our family's life has begun!
Friday, June 26- I had my weekly check up late in the afternoon. My doctor told me that I was already dialated 2 cm and 90% effaced. The nurses gave me a list of the doctors on-call that weekend... just in case. I went home, and, as I was driving, contractions began. I felt contractions for 7 hours, starting at about 10-15 minutes apart and eventually reaching 6 minutes apart. I called the doctor on call because we live 45 minutes from the hospital, but he told me to wait until they were 5 minutes apart. Then they stopped an hour after I got off the phone with him.
Saturday, June 27 (evening)- Contractions start up again, but are all over the place. We don't think too much of them.
Sunday, June 28- I had a small suspicion that my water had broken. I say slight suspicion because it wasn't anything dramatic. I wasn't sure, and I really didn't want to worry over it to the point of going to the hospital just to be sent back home. I decided that if I still felt that way Monday morning, I would call my doctor's office and make an appointment.
Monday, June 29: 10:40am- I called the doctor's office because I still felt like my water was broken. I set up an appointment for 1:30pm, showered, re-packed our hospital bag, ate some lunch, and headed out to the doctor!
Monday, June 29:
2:15pm- I got called back and met with the doctor. He conducted a nitrozine (spelling???) test to see if my water had broken, but it was negative. He then took a sample and looked at it under the microscope... and found that my water had maybe not broken, but was leaking from a tear. No matter what had happened, he found amniotic fluid. He sent me immediately to the hospital because my water could have been leaking for over 24 hours, which could increase chances of infection for the baby.
2:30pm- I made the super quick drive across Athens to St. Mary's, parked the car, walked on in, and admitted myself, much to the amusement of everyone who registered me. I then walked myself up to labor and delivery, handed my paperwork to the nurse at the desk, and walked back to my room! (Chris, at this point, was already in Madison, either waiting for me to come home, upset and disappointed, or for a phone call for him to meet me in Athens!)
3:30pm- I was all settled in. Once I walked into my room, I changed into the glamorous hospital gown, settled in the bed, and immediately met the doctor on call. He wanted to get the labor going, so he rushed right on in, ran another nitrozine test (which was inconclusive in his opinion), then broke my water! He told me that I was having the baby by midnight, and I told him I was all for it! My nurse then hooked me up to an IV, running antibiotics, fluids, and pitocin through me. At this point, I was just hanging out, making phone calls, and waiting for labor to really start.
5:30pm- Labor had really kicked in, and the contractions were pretty painful and coming rather closely together. I was only at 4cm, but the nurse asked me if I wanted to start some pain management meds. I really wasn't sure, and she assured me that the time would come where I would really want pain meds. She said she would administer them when I wanted them.
6:30pm-ish- I kinda started to loose track of time here due to extreme pain. I had indeed reached the point where contractions were strong and close, providing little time for relief, and I was begging for my first round of pain meds, which was Staedal. This medicine was supposed to take the edge off and knock me out for about an hour, so they administered the meds and upped the level of pitocin at the same time. My dcotor wanted me further along in labor before I had an epideral because sometimes an epideral will slow down the labor.
7:00-8:00pm- A half an hour after the meds were administered, I realized they were NOT WORKING. I had about an hour straight of contraction after contraction with little relief in between. I requested an epideral, but both my doctor and the anesthesiologist were in an emergency c-section operation, and I had to go through another bag of fluid before they could give me an epideral.
8:00pm- The anesthesiologist arrived! I had never been more excited! Chris signed consent for my epideral (I was in too much pain!), and the anesthesiologist rambled on about all the side effects and what not, and began to prep me for the procedure.
8:30pm- Mere seconds after the epideral was administered, I felt relief. It came just in time. At this point, I was at 6cm.
9:00pm- They checked me, and I was at 9cm! Things were rocking right along, and the nurses and my dcotor began getting everything prepared for delivery as we all hung out in the waiting room.
9:45ish-10:00pm- I was ready! My bed was broken, though, so they had to track down another one, transfer me to it, hook it all back up, and begin!
10:49pm- James Randolph Edwards was born, and he hollered pretty much immediately. Chris announced his arrival with a simple text message: "He's hollering!"
The nurses set right to work, cleaning him and measuring him. Before they checked his weight, they asked me what I thought he weighed. I guessed around 8.5 pounds. They placed him on the scale, and, much to my surprise, he weighed a whopping 9 pounds, 8 ounces! I never would have guessed! Goodness! :)
Tonight, one week later, we are back in the hospital. Sweet James is jaundiced. He's hanging out under a phototherapy lamp while Chris and I are hanging out, patiently waiting for his billi levels to go back down. It breaks my heart to watch him just lying there, fussy because he can't be held, with little sunglasses covering up his pretty eyes. He will hopefully get better soon so we can all be home together.
What a blessing he is to Chris and me! :) A new chapter of our family's life has begun!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
James is here! :)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Lack of an update
Normally, I would title this post as an update on James, but there is nothing to report, much to my dismay. I am on a weekly basis now with my doctors, and today they told me nothing. The doctor commented that he "was no small baby" as he measured my belly, found his heartbeat, determined that James was head down and had dropped slightly, commented on how well my pregnancy has been, filled out an appointment card, and sent me on my way. It took a max of 10 minutes.
I left feeling very discouraged. I really want to know if some progress has been made in the right direction, especially since I am so worried that I won't go into labor at all. I also feel that each day that passes, my chances of having a c-section increase along with James' size. That discourages me even more because I don't want to spend my precious time off with James recovering from major abdominal surgery.
I don't want to complain or anything, so I am sorry if it sounds that way. It is a blessing that my pregnancy has gone so smoothly and that James has had the time he needs. God has truly been taking care of James and me, and I am incredibly thankful. I am really just struggling now with trusting God's timing and plans for James' birth.
His will be done.
I left feeling very discouraged. I really want to know if some progress has been made in the right direction, especially since I am so worried that I won't go into labor at all. I also feel that each day that passes, my chances of having a c-section increase along with James' size. That discourages me even more because I don't want to spend my precious time off with James recovering from major abdominal surgery.
I don't want to complain or anything, so I am sorry if it sounds that way. It is a blessing that my pregnancy has gone so smoothly and that James has had the time he needs. God has truly been taking care of James and me, and I am incredibly thankful. I am really just struggling now with trusting God's timing and plans for James' birth.
His will be done.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Summer Memories
About an hour and a half ago, I arrived home from spending a wonderful afternoon with my in-laws. We ate lunch at Chick-Fil-A, went swimming, and then watched a movie.
As I watched all my sweet nieces and nephews kicking and splashing around in the pool and then crashing with a movie, I couldn't help but remember all my summer afternoons spent like that.
I specifically remember packing snacks and lunches and going to Four Winds Pool to spend a summer afternoon swimming, splashing, kicking, jumping, and flipping around in the water. The only time mom could get us out was during adult swim. Mom would relax with a book or visit with other parents, and sometimes she would swim with us. We'd get out after a few hours (and lots of threats from mom), go home, and enjoy a popsicle (the kind that you buy as a juice and freezes). Jenn and I would then crash with a movie while mom got dinner ready for when dad got home. Even better days were the ones where dad was off and we would have a cook-out for dinner! I can remember coming home, climbing out of our old Explorer, and smelling the hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill... yum!
I smile when I think of those fantastic lazy summer days, and I relished in today knowing that my nieces and nephews were creating the same awesome summer memories I now have in my head.
As I watched all my sweet nieces and nephews kicking and splashing around in the pool and then crashing with a movie, I couldn't help but remember all my summer afternoons spent like that.
I specifically remember packing snacks and lunches and going to Four Winds Pool to spend a summer afternoon swimming, splashing, kicking, jumping, and flipping around in the water. The only time mom could get us out was during adult swim. Mom would relax with a book or visit with other parents, and sometimes she would swim with us. We'd get out after a few hours (and lots of threats from mom), go home, and enjoy a popsicle (the kind that you buy as a juice and freezes). Jenn and I would then crash with a movie while mom got dinner ready for when dad got home. Even better days were the ones where dad was off and we would have a cook-out for dinner! I can remember coming home, climbing out of our old Explorer, and smelling the hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill... yum!
I smile when I think of those fantastic lazy summer days, and I relished in today knowing that my nieces and nephews were creating the same awesome summer memories I now have in my head.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The next new moon?
On Saturday, after attending morning services of Shoal's annual meeting, we all headed down to a nursing home in Thomson to visit a church member Chris grew up knowing. As we walked in, this sweet older woman was sitting at a table to gather donations for Cystic Fibrosis, and she introduced herself as Mildred Throckmorton. I flipped out! I asked her to repeat her last name, and I told her that my maiden name was Throckmorton. She was a sweet, gentle, polite woman, a lot like my Grandma Throckmorton, and I truly enjoyed getting to talk with her. She asked me when my baby was due, and when I told her, she grinned and told me to find out when the next new moon is. She thinks my baby boy will be born then. I smiled, and we left.
The second we got home, Chris and I went to weather.com to look up the moon cycle. The next new moon will happen on June 22. That would be next week. Next Tuesday, to be exact. If only I could be so lucky! I'm really beginning to wonder if James will come late. We've had all this talk about him coming early, so with all this expectation for the past 8 months, it would be just my luck for him to hang out until well past July 8th, despite his HUGE size. I say this because he has not dropped yet, and nothing has happened to indicate that labor is happening any time soon.
I really want him to come early, which I fear is selfish and self-serving. If he comes on-time or late, I am going to have to take unpaid time off to finish my maternity leave. I do not have enough sick days to cover the time off. I only have 11 sick days, and it would take 15 to finish up maternity leave, if he is born on time. I want lots of time off with this little dude, with sick days left to take care of him when he gets sick.
I'm really thankful that I got bit with the nesting bug last week because I sure don't feel like doing much this week. It hurts! Just walking around is uncomfortable. All i am doing this week is maintaining the mess and tackling school stuff. I have some books to read, procedures to plan, and worksheets to type up. I also want to get the bag packed for the hospital once and for all. Just in case Tuesday is the big day. :)
The second we got home, Chris and I went to weather.com to look up the moon cycle. The next new moon will happen on June 22. That would be next week. Next Tuesday, to be exact. If only I could be so lucky! I'm really beginning to wonder if James will come late. We've had all this talk about him coming early, so with all this expectation for the past 8 months, it would be just my luck for him to hang out until well past July 8th, despite his HUGE size. I say this because he has not dropped yet, and nothing has happened to indicate that labor is happening any time soon.
I really want him to come early, which I fear is selfish and self-serving. If he comes on-time or late, I am going to have to take unpaid time off to finish my maternity leave. I do not have enough sick days to cover the time off. I only have 11 sick days, and it would take 15 to finish up maternity leave, if he is born on time. I want lots of time off with this little dude, with sick days left to take care of him when he gets sick.
I'm really thankful that I got bit with the nesting bug last week because I sure don't feel like doing much this week. It hurts! Just walking around is uncomfortable. All i am doing this week is maintaining the mess and tackling school stuff. I have some books to read, procedures to plan, and worksheets to type up. I also want to get the bag packed for the hospital once and for all. Just in case Tuesday is the big day. :)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Summer Routine!
This is truly my first real day of summer vacation, and I am super excited because I think I have stumbled upon the perfect summer routine for me (until little James makes his debut).
I get up in the morning with Chris (which is not too terribly early-- 7am or so), eat breakfast (maybe get ambitious enough one day to make us both breakfast), and send him off to work. Once he is gone, I throw on some "work clothes" and get to work on the house... not a whole lot! Just one chore at a time each day! Today I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen, plus mopped the floors, all while baby clothes were washing in the laundry room. (I know today was not one chore, and I am feeling it right now-- believe me! I am sitting in bed until Chris can get home and help me out-- my back hurts that much!) I then shower and make myself a simple lunch. That leaves my afternoon open for anything-- reading a good book, getting a pedicure (which I am scared to do until the house is a little more ready for baby), cutting my hair, going swimming, going to the doctor, and other fun stuff like that! :)
I am so excited about this routine, and if I tackle a chore a day, it does not over work me and helps me feel ready for baby. My plan for this week is to work on the nursery tomorrow now that all the clothes and items are clean and ready to go. On Wednesday I am going to straighten up our living room and dining room-- vacuum the furniture and floors and hopefully box up our DVDs. On Thursday I am going to work on our guest room/office and hopefully organize it for good. On Friday I am spending the day with my mom! :)
Right now I am truly thankful for all the work we completed over spring break, even though I was overwhelmed. I can't imagine what I would do right now if our house was in the same order as before spring break. It stresses me out a little bit, actually.'
So a little baby update... or maybe I shouldn't use "little"...
As of Friday, James measured at 7 pounds, 3 ounces. eek!
My doctor's office is doing nothing with this information, which I completely respect. A baby, no matter his weight, is still a preemie when born before his due date... as explained to me.
The ultrasound pictures are hard to decipher because James is all squished in there.
I go to the doctor every week now until he decides to come!
I am still trying to be content in the Lord's timing, even though I want James in my arms now! I watched A Baby Story this afternoon while I folded baby clothes, hoping James could take a hint. :)
I get up in the morning with Chris (which is not too terribly early-- 7am or so), eat breakfast (maybe get ambitious enough one day to make us both breakfast), and send him off to work. Once he is gone, I throw on some "work clothes" and get to work on the house... not a whole lot! Just one chore at a time each day! Today I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen, plus mopped the floors, all while baby clothes were washing in the laundry room. (I know today was not one chore, and I am feeling it right now-- believe me! I am sitting in bed until Chris can get home and help me out-- my back hurts that much!) I then shower and make myself a simple lunch. That leaves my afternoon open for anything-- reading a good book, getting a pedicure (which I am scared to do until the house is a little more ready for baby), cutting my hair, going swimming, going to the doctor, and other fun stuff like that! :)
I am so excited about this routine, and if I tackle a chore a day, it does not over work me and helps me feel ready for baby. My plan for this week is to work on the nursery tomorrow now that all the clothes and items are clean and ready to go. On Wednesday I am going to straighten up our living room and dining room-- vacuum the furniture and floors and hopefully box up our DVDs. On Thursday I am going to work on our guest room/office and hopefully organize it for good. On Friday I am spending the day with my mom! :)
Right now I am truly thankful for all the work we completed over spring break, even though I was overwhelmed. I can't imagine what I would do right now if our house was in the same order as before spring break. It stresses me out a little bit, actually.'
So a little baby update... or maybe I shouldn't use "little"...
As of Friday, James measured at 7 pounds, 3 ounces. eek!
My doctor's office is doing nothing with this information, which I completely respect. A baby, no matter his weight, is still a preemie when born before his due date... as explained to me.
The ultrasound pictures are hard to decipher because James is all squished in there.
I go to the doctor every week now until he decides to come!
I am still trying to be content in the Lord's timing, even though I want James in my arms now! I watched A Baby Story this afternoon while I folded baby clothes, hoping James could take a hint. :)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The end is near!
Last week, I posted as my facebook status that "the end is near." I was really referring to the end of school since I posted it on Wednesday and our last day was Friday. And oh what a happy day Friday was! I have NEVER been more excited for school to get out. Now I am struggling through this week to get all the post-planning work done, and I can say once again, the end is near! Tomorrow is our last day!
My facebook status, however, could also refer to the end of my pregnancy! As of today, I am 35 weeks pregnant. I can count down to James' due date on ONE HAND. Time seems to have flown by! My pregnancy has been a blessing; I have been extremely fortunate to have no complications and no major discomforts. I credit that to my job, keeping me up and around on my feet, instead of propping my feet up and, as one student told me I should do, eating sweet potato pie all day. Just recently a few discomforts have emerged, like being unable to get into a comfortable sleeping position!
I am SO excited to meet James. The fear and nervousness have not kicked in yet; all I feel is excitement to meet my little dude, to hold him and love on him as much as possible. I have a few things left to do to get ready for his arrival, but, in all honesty, we'd be ready for him to arrive today! I have made myself content, however, to wait on God's good timing, whether that brings James early or late.
Speaking of James' arrival... if you want to make a guess in the baby poll, please do so! It is unlocked now and can be played!
My facebook status, however, could also refer to the end of my pregnancy! As of today, I am 35 weeks pregnant. I can count down to James' due date on ONE HAND. Time seems to have flown by! My pregnancy has been a blessing; I have been extremely fortunate to have no complications and no major discomforts. I credit that to my job, keeping me up and around on my feet, instead of propping my feet up and, as one student told me I should do, eating sweet potato pie all day. Just recently a few discomforts have emerged, like being unable to get into a comfortable sleeping position!
I am SO excited to meet James. The fear and nervousness have not kicked in yet; all I feel is excitement to meet my little dude, to hold him and love on him as much as possible. I have a few things left to do to get ready for his arrival, but, in all honesty, we'd be ready for him to arrive today! I have made myself content, however, to wait on God's good timing, whether that brings James early or late.
Speaking of James' arrival... if you want to make a guess in the baby poll, please do so! It is unlocked now and can be played!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A bittersweet time
Mother's Day in my family was not only a Sunday set aside to recognize mom, but it was also a day, especially once college rolled around, to celebrate dad, whose birthday fell within a few days of Mother's Day. We would go to church, go out to eat a nice lunch somewhere, and open presents- both Mother's Day and birthday. It was like a Parents' Day.
Dad's birthday is this Tuesday.
Today, I am thankful for the time I spent with my daddy. I am thankful that he was born on this Earth nearly 58 years ago, and I got to have him as my dad for 24 of those years (almost). I am thankful for the job he spent over half of his life laboring at to provide my sister and me with everything we could have ever needed. I am thankful that dad's world revolved around his family because I have many treasured memories of time spent with my dad.
Today, I admire my mom. 2008 was an extremely difficult year for her. Her mother broke her hip escaping from the nursing home. Many thought she would not recover. Her father was hospitalized for a serious ulcer due to all the stress resulting from the nursing home accident. Mom spent most of the summer traveling back and forth to Missouri to help take care of her parents. Then, to top it all off, her husband of almost 26 years passes away suddenly and unexpectedly. I admire my mom's unwavering faith in our Lord. Her strength, hope, and comfort all come from Him, and she has found everything she needs to continue on in life in Him. God has taken care of her, and continues to take care of her, and mom fully relies on Him. Some may turn their back on God in tough times, but mom just threw herself at Him, trusting in Him and and His promises.
As I prepare to become a parent, I realize more and more what my parents did for me, and these are just the highlights. I could go on for forever about the sacrifices they made and the many happy memories I have from growing up in such a loving household. I hope with all of my heart that I can be the same kind of parent to James.
Thank you, daddy and momma, for everything.
Dad's birthday is this Tuesday.
Today, I am thankful for the time I spent with my daddy. I am thankful that he was born on this Earth nearly 58 years ago, and I got to have him as my dad for 24 of those years (almost). I am thankful for the job he spent over half of his life laboring at to provide my sister and me with everything we could have ever needed. I am thankful that dad's world revolved around his family because I have many treasured memories of time spent with my dad.
Today, I admire my mom. 2008 was an extremely difficult year for her. Her mother broke her hip escaping from the nursing home. Many thought she would not recover. Her father was hospitalized for a serious ulcer due to all the stress resulting from the nursing home accident. Mom spent most of the summer traveling back and forth to Missouri to help take care of her parents. Then, to top it all off, her husband of almost 26 years passes away suddenly and unexpectedly. I admire my mom's unwavering faith in our Lord. Her strength, hope, and comfort all come from Him, and she has found everything she needs to continue on in life in Him. God has taken care of her, and continues to take care of her, and mom fully relies on Him. Some may turn their back on God in tough times, but mom just threw herself at Him, trusting in Him and and His promises.
As I prepare to become a parent, I realize more and more what my parents did for me, and these are just the highlights. I could go on for forever about the sacrifices they made and the many happy memories I have from growing up in such a loving household. I hope with all of my heart that I can be the same kind of parent to James.
Thank you, daddy and momma, for everything.

Monday, May 4, 2009
Play the game!
I think James is going to be unpredictable! He might come early, he might enjoy hanging out and taking his sweet time. What time of day will he be born? We know he is going to be rather, er, large, but how large will he get? Or will he throw us for a loop and be average sized? How long will he be?
Play the Expectnet game and see if you guess correct! If you do, I promise there will indeed be a prize, and I will select an appropriate prize for the winner.
Have fun! Don't be afriad to guess! :)
Play the Expectnet game and see if you guess correct! If you do, I promise there will indeed be a prize, and I will select an appropriate prize for the winner.
Have fun! Don't be afriad to guess! :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
James is an overachiever!
At my routine doctor's appointment on Monday afternoon, my doctor informed me that according to measurements taken, James is "much larger than expected." He asked that I come in for an ultrasound as soon as possible to confirm. "As soon as possible" ended up being on Wednesday morning, and the ultrasound did indeed confirm that James is growing rapidly and that he is a few weeks ahead. He is in the 81st percentile for growth (50 percentile being normal, of course), and he is already around 3 pounds and 10 ounces! If he continues at this rate, he will be around 9-10 pounds at the time of birth!
All I know right now is that, according to the chart, his Actual Ultrasonic Age is 30 weeks and 5 days (I was 29 weeks pregnant at the time), and his Actual Ultrasonic due date is June 26. The ultrasound tech told me that in another few weeks I will have another ultrasound down to monitor the growth and decide what needs to be done and when.
I don't necessarily understand all of this, but none of it scares or suprises me. Chris was 9 pounds and 15 ounces at birth, and he was 2-3 weeks early! I never really expected to stick to the due date. I laughed when the doctor told me on Monday that he was "much larger than expected."
I'm just taking it all in stride. It's not anything bad, and, the good thing from the ultrasound is some more pictures of my sweet boy!

All I know right now is that, according to the chart, his Actual Ultrasonic Age is 30 weeks and 5 days (I was 29 weeks pregnant at the time), and his Actual Ultrasonic due date is June 26. The ultrasound tech told me that in another few weeks I will have another ultrasound down to monitor the growth and decide what needs to be done and when.
I don't necessarily understand all of this, but none of it scares or suprises me. Chris was 9 pounds and 15 ounces at birth, and he was 2-3 weeks early! I never really expected to stick to the due date. I laughed when the doctor told me on Monday that he was "much larger than expected."
I'm just taking it all in stride. It's not anything bad, and, the good thing from the ultrasound is some more pictures of my sweet boy!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Counting blessings
I've recently discovered the maternity leave policy of my school. I've also realized that I misunderstood what colleagues have told me. All this time, I thought that summer did not count, so I would get six weeks come the start of the school year. I was wrong. My six weeks of leave starts the very day that little James is born. Depending on when he is born, I may or may not have time off from school. I also do not have enough sick days stored up if James is born on time, meaning I might have to take unpaid leave.
I have been really upset about this discovery. I was looking forward to a decent amount of time home with my first child, and now that is taken away from me.
Then I watched a news report about how the poor economy is affecting families all over the world.
At least I have a job to go back to in August. That puts things in perspective!
I have been really upset about this discovery. I was looking forward to a decent amount of time home with my first child, and now that is taken away from me.
Then I watched a news report about how the poor economy is affecting families all over the world.
At least I have a job to go back to in August. That puts things in perspective!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Update on James!
I had a doctor's appointment two weeks ago. It was nothing too exciting; however, the doctor was suprised at the size. I think James is turning out to be a little larger than expected, but that is just my guess. I'm not really suprised. I really hope James does take after his daddy! (I might take those words back come July!)
The nursery is coming along nicely. I am really upset with myself for not taking "before" pictures. Our nursery was the catch-all junk room because our house has less closet space than our apartment. Chris and I spent several weekends cleaning it out, traveling to Goodwill, boxing up decorations and other odds and ends, loading up the attic, and rearranging furniture to get the room to where it is today. I am not taking pictures of it, though, until it is painted and ready to go! I got the nursery theme all ready to go. At a local baby goods sale, I got an extremely nice nursery bedding set for only $50. It includes the crib bumper, fitted sheet, valence, musical mobile, lamp, quilt, and dust ruffle. At Babies R Us, it sells for $170. I registered for fun extras, like curtains and wall hangings.
James is a very active little dude. I feel him moving constantly. I feel little kicks and punches, and I still feel what feels like him rolling around inside. It is one of the best feelings ever! I could be having a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day, and then James will move, so I know all is right in the world. Chris has even been able to feel him move once; he felt a little flutter. I can't wait until Chris can feel and see the movements. It makes me sad sometimes that he can't share in it, and I know it frustrates him, too.
He was rolling around all over the place yesterday while we toured the Family Birth Center at St. Mary's, which is where he will be born. It is an amazing facility, and that is all I can really say. I'm not looking forward to the whole labor and delivery process that will take place there (I read up on it yesterday), but I am really looking forward to the end result.
Since you have read this far, I will amuse you with some of my crazy pregnancy dreams. Because I have been studying up on labor, delivery, and postpartdum stuff, I am afraid my dreams from last night expressed all the nervousness I feel about bringing home a baby and taking care of him. I had three unusual and upsetting dreams in a row that my co-workers ended up finding quite amusing today, so hopefully you will, too. :)
Dream One: I do not remember the dream. I only remember waking up, frantic and terrifed, wondering where James was. I guess I lost him in the dream or something. Thankfully, night time is an active time for little dude, so he kicked me, and relief flooded me; he hasn't even been born yet!
Dream Two: I was attending a meeting at my old church. I had nothing to carry James to the car in, so I placed him in a small duffel bag and zipped it up. When I got to the church, I unzipped the bag, afraid of what I would find. He was lying still, but, as I picked him up, he coughed. I woke up, crying. Horrible dream. It has haunted me all day long.
Dream Three: I did not have a bottle to feed James with. I was panicking, and his cries were getting louder and louder as we rode in the school bus. I snatched a sheet of paper from a student, dabbed some formula (which was already mixed by some miracle) on the end, and siphoned the formula into his mouth. I woke up after I fed him.
I am almost in the "home stretch" of this pregnancy! Where does the time go? Before I know it, James will be here!! :)
The nursery is coming along nicely. I am really upset with myself for not taking "before" pictures. Our nursery was the catch-all junk room because our house has less closet space than our apartment. Chris and I spent several weekends cleaning it out, traveling to Goodwill, boxing up decorations and other odds and ends, loading up the attic, and rearranging furniture to get the room to where it is today. I am not taking pictures of it, though, until it is painted and ready to go! I got the nursery theme all ready to go. At a local baby goods sale, I got an extremely nice nursery bedding set for only $50. It includes the crib bumper, fitted sheet, valence, musical mobile, lamp, quilt, and dust ruffle. At Babies R Us, it sells for $170. I registered for fun extras, like curtains and wall hangings.
James is a very active little dude. I feel him moving constantly. I feel little kicks and punches, and I still feel what feels like him rolling around inside. It is one of the best feelings ever! I could be having a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day, and then James will move, so I know all is right in the world. Chris has even been able to feel him move once; he felt a little flutter. I can't wait until Chris can feel and see the movements. It makes me sad sometimes that he can't share in it, and I know it frustrates him, too.
He was rolling around all over the place yesterday while we toured the Family Birth Center at St. Mary's, which is where he will be born. It is an amazing facility, and that is all I can really say. I'm not looking forward to the whole labor and delivery process that will take place there (I read up on it yesterday), but I am really looking forward to the end result.
Since you have read this far, I will amuse you with some of my crazy pregnancy dreams. Because I have been studying up on labor, delivery, and postpartdum stuff, I am afraid my dreams from last night expressed all the nervousness I feel about bringing home a baby and taking care of him. I had three unusual and upsetting dreams in a row that my co-workers ended up finding quite amusing today, so hopefully you will, too. :)
Dream One: I do not remember the dream. I only remember waking up, frantic and terrifed, wondering where James was. I guess I lost him in the dream or something. Thankfully, night time is an active time for little dude, so he kicked me, and relief flooded me; he hasn't even been born yet!
Dream Two: I was attending a meeting at my old church. I had nothing to carry James to the car in, so I placed him in a small duffel bag and zipped it up. When I got to the church, I unzipped the bag, afraid of what I would find. He was lying still, but, as I picked him up, he coughed. I woke up, crying. Horrible dream. It has haunted me all day long.
Dream Three: I did not have a bottle to feed James with. I was panicking, and his cries were getting louder and louder as we rode in the school bus. I snatched a sheet of paper from a student, dabbed some formula (which was already mixed by some miracle) on the end, and siphoned the formula into his mouth. I woke up after I fed him.
I am almost in the "home stretch" of this pregnancy! Where does the time go? Before I know it, James will be here!! :)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
So excited! :)
Knowing that Chris and I are expecting a boy has made this pregnancy even more real to me. I can't help but wonder so much about this little dude.
Will he have blonde or brown hair?
Will he take after Chris' weight and height? (9 pound baby...)
Will he have Chris' wild imagination? (I hope so)
What will his laugh sound like?
What will his smile look like?
Every time I watch television or walk around and see a baby boy, I can't help but get lost in thought. As each day passes, I get closer to meeting this little man and getting some of my answers (I know some I will have to wait for even longer).
What a blessing this is! I cannot wait to meet James!
Will he have blonde or brown hair?
Will he take after Chris' weight and height? (9 pound baby...)
Will he have Chris' wild imagination? (I hope so)
What will his laugh sound like?
What will his smile look like?
Every time I watch television or walk around and see a baby boy, I can't help but get lost in thought. As each day passes, I get closer to meeting this little man and getting some of my answers (I know some I will have to wait for even longer).
What a blessing this is! I cannot wait to meet James!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Every Two Years
I realized a while ago that at about every two years, something significant has happened to Chris and me in our relationahip.
December, 2003: Chris and I met at Berry College.
October, 2005: Chris proposed; we were engaged to be married!
May, 2007: We get married!!! :)
July, 2009: We will welcome our son into the world.
I wonder what 2011 will bring...?
December, 2003: Chris and I met at Berry College.
October, 2005: Chris proposed; we were engaged to be married!
May, 2007: We get married!!! :)
July, 2009: We will welcome our son into the world.
I wonder what 2011 will bring...?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
It's a Tallywhacker!
While the phrase "It's a Tallywhacker!" is a slightly jarring way to announce the sex of a child, such is the manner in which our veteran ultra-sound technician chose to announce our baby's gender. It was funny and memorable.
So without further ado, I present to you James Randolph Edwards:

Can't wait to be a Daddy!!
So without further ado, I present to you James Randolph Edwards:

Can't wait to be a Daddy!!
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