All I know right now is that, according to the chart, his Actual Ultrasonic Age is 30 weeks and 5 days (I was 29 weeks pregnant at the time), and his Actual Ultrasonic due date is June 26. The ultrasound tech told me that in another few weeks I will have another ultrasound down to monitor the growth and decide what needs to be done and when.
I don't necessarily understand all of this, but none of it scares or suprises me. Chris was 9 pounds and 15 ounces at birth, and he was 2-3 weeks early! I never really expected to stick to the due date. I laughed when the doctor told me on Monday that he was "much larger than expected."
I'm just taking it all in stride. It's not anything bad, and, the good thing from the ultrasound is some more pictures of my sweet boy!