Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Counting blessings

I've recently discovered the maternity leave policy of my school. I've also realized that I misunderstood what colleagues have told me. All this time, I thought that summer did not count, so I would get six weeks come the start of the school year. I was wrong. My six weeks of leave starts the very day that little James is born. Depending on when he is born, I may or may not have time off from school. I also do not have enough sick days stored up if James is born on time, meaning I might have to take unpaid leave.

I have been really upset about this discovery. I was looking forward to a decent amount of time home with my first child, and now that is taken away from me.

Then I watched a news report about how the poor economy is affecting families all over the world.

At least I have a job to go back to in August. That puts things in perspective!