Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Sometimes I have a bad attitude. I generally try to be positive, but when I am flustered, overwelemd, and/or stressed, my evil side tends to come out and prowl.

I try to tame the monster and watch who is witness to the monster, but, like any monsters, it can get out of control.

I am afraid it has gotten out of control.

Please, if you think to, say a small prayer for me and my attitude. I know I need to pray that God gives me strength and discipline to train myself and cut the 'tude, as I used to say. Why should I have a bad attitude when I have it so good?

I hope that people see my positive side more than my negative side. Especially at school...

Anyways. Hopefully I am just paranoid. But right now I want to cry...

Oh, well! God is good, and I am finished with my "homework" for the night. The Braves are on and Frenchy just made a good play... yay! :)

I hope everyone is having a good week.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I hope you have a refreshing weekend! Miss y'all and hope to see you soon! We watched a little of the game last night to see if we could see you! :-) No such luck.
