Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Full week ahead...

I have found myself questioning why I became a teacher this week. I am hoping something will happen that reminds me of why I became one. I need it.

Chris and I have started a fitness competition program this week. For eight weeks we will be seeing who can work out more each week. Each workout is worth a point value. At the end of the eight weeks, the loser has to do chores and favors for the winner, as selected by the winner. It's been fun so far... all two days of it! :) It has motivated us to work out, and he it will keep us motivated for long enough for it to finally become habit.

I have a new music obsession in the form of OneRepublic. They are very mellowed-out, soothing rock with deep lyrics, piano, and acoustic guitar. I have listened to their CD all day long!

We have a Wii at our place. It is so amazing... we got it for Christmas from my parents. My dad always likes to keep things equal, so I got one along with my sister. So far, we have played tennis and bowling (amazing), and we got to be HARRY in Harry Potter! It was so cool to cast spells!!! The only problem with Wiis is that the games are not cheap. Thankfully, we can rent them! wheeee, or should I say, "Wiiiiiiii!" :) tee hee.

Chris is still working hard and doing well. Nothing too exciting for either one of us really.

Hope everyone is doing well! :)


Ted and Dana said...

I've felt like that about teaching a couple times this week and last. The kids are nuts since the holiday and some days I feel like I just yell all day! It's frustrating. But, there are good days too when the kids really learn something and thank you for it!

Keep it up! Love you!

Laura said...

Hope this week is a better week! P.S. I'm so so sorry I forgot to email you the recipe. It's on my blog...under recipes somewhere.