Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I want to wash my hands, my hair, my feet in snoooow, snooow, snoow, SNOW!

Now, those who know me well know that I tend to be cold all the time, and that makes me really dislike winter. I also do not like precipitation falling from the sky... it makes me want to stay home, curled up. Something magical happens, though, when it snows...

Watching the snow twirl in the sky and cover our tiny yard in a beautiful white blanket makes me warm inside, and that warmth is expressed with a squeal and smile. I can't help but feel giddy when it snows...

Maybe it's my track record with snow. My very first memory of it really coming was in March of 1993. I remember wanting it to snow and waking up at 5am in the morning, looking outside, and being disappointed with no snow to be seen. I prayed, asking God to bring more snow, then I went back to sleep. I woke up three hours later to a weather alert for a blizzard. God answered my prayer, and I had a fun time in the snow with my sister!

I just glanced out our window; the blanket of snow also makes the world look peaceful. It is all so still and quiet... everything seems frozen in time. I think it is time, after my wintery dinner of tomato soup, to go make some wintery hot chocolate with marshmellows! Might as well live it up-- you never know when you will get weather like this in Georgia.

Right now we have slush outside our door, so here's hoping there is no school tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

Ted and Dana said...

We've had tons of snow, we'll tons in the eyes of a GA-girl like me, haha. I hope teaching has gotten better in the last couple of weeks. I had a really rough day on friday- like I almost started crying in the middle of class. The kids were just being terrible, and I felt totally out of control. Hopefully, Monday will be better! love you! Miss you!
