Sunday, February 3, 2008

Neglectful Posters

Family and friends in the blogging world,

I know that you have come to not expect new posts from us. We apologize. To catch you up on everything exciting you have missed this month:

We get up early every morning.
We work all day long.
I come home around 4:30pm.
Chris comes home about an hour later.
We make dinner.
We eat dinner.
We watch television, read books, or play our Wii.
We go to sleep at a decent time so we can start again the next day.

We have a few days where the routine may vary, especially for stressful weeks (like this past week) for me at school. But they all involve the same items on that agenda.

We do not really lead exciting lives that prompt us to post very often. On occasion, something exciting (like snow) happens and makes us want to post... well, me want to post.

We do care about keeping family and friends updated... and we care enough to not bore you with our every day, well, boring-ness.

Hope this provides a decent explanation of the lack of posts recently.


Kathi (and Chris)

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