Monday, March 24, 2008

An old hobby gone digital!

In high school, I loved to scrapbook. I still have a ton of materials, but it is SO time consuming. Come college, scrapbooking took a backseat to all the other activities and work that needed to be done. In the five years that I have taken a break from the hobby, it's gone digital! I developed my first page today on Photoshop CS3... take a look at it below:

It's not the best because, like regular scrapbooking, good fonts, formats, and cute add-ins cost money. All the cute little things on here are pieced together from various freebies on the Internet. I am proud of it, but I want to change it and make it better. I am a perfectionist, after all...

If you, yes, you, out there know where I can get better freebies, tips, and lessons, please leave me a comment and let me know! Thanks!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Beautiful, Kathi! I know somebody who knows where you can get free stuff online. I'll check with her!Talk to yall soon!