Sunday, March 23, 2008

An update on uneventful lives... :)

Hello, friends! Once again, I have been a neglectful blogger, and I apologize.

Chris and I have been keeping busy recently; this was our first weekend in a few weeks to rest and relax. We took advantage, too! I have to brag on my awesome husband; on his day off, he cleaned the house for me so we could have Saturday off together! He did laundry, cleaned the floors, vacuumed, febreezed... everything that I would have done! He picked me up from school, took me home, and surprised me with it. I am so thankful to have a wonderful husband who will share the load of cleaning, cooking, and other housework with me. He has been incredibly understanding this first year of teaching, and I am so thankful for him and his service and support.

I feel like we have finally gotten into a routine that works real well for us during the week... it only took us, oh, 7 months! Sunday nights I clean up and straighten up the house: check laundry, load dishwasher... anything that needs to be done! During the week, I come home and DO NOT SIT DOWN. Sitting down is BAD. If I sit down, I will not get back up! So, instead of sitting, I turn the television on to watch Gilmore Girls as I work around the kitchen prepping dinner. I clean the kitchen as I cook, and I work on other minor chores while things bake. My goal this week is to get in a quick work out at home while dinner cooks or before I really cook food. We shall see! Small steps. We only ate out ONCE this week, on Friday night, to celebrate how good we had been! We hope to keep it up.

That pretty much describes what we do every day, all day. Weekends are a break from routine, and we had two wonderful weekends with family and church family. This weekend we are looking forward to going up to Rome to see some friends! I am really looking forward to it; I miss our friends in Rome.

We hope all our family and friends who read this have a wonderful week! :)

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