Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The next new moon?

On Saturday, after attending morning services of Shoal's annual meeting, we all headed down to a nursing home in Thomson to visit a church member Chris grew up knowing. As we walked in, this sweet older woman was sitting at a table to gather donations for Cystic Fibrosis, and she introduced herself as Mildred Throckmorton. I flipped out! I asked her to repeat her last name, and I told her that my maiden name was Throckmorton. She was a sweet, gentle, polite woman, a lot like my Grandma Throckmorton, and I truly enjoyed getting to talk with her. She asked me when my baby was due, and when I told her, she grinned and told me to find out when the next new moon is. She thinks my baby boy will be born then. I smiled, and we left.

The second we got home, Chris and I went to weather.com to look up the moon cycle. The next new moon will happen on June 22. That would be next week. Next Tuesday, to be exact. If only I could be so lucky! I'm really beginning to wonder if James will come late. We've had all this talk about him coming early, so with all this expectation for the past 8 months, it would be just my luck for him to hang out until well past July 8th, despite his HUGE size. I say this because he has not dropped yet, and nothing has happened to indicate that labor is happening any time soon.

I really want him to come early, which I fear is selfish and self-serving. If he comes on-time or late, I am going to have to take unpaid time off to finish my maternity leave. I do not have enough sick days to cover the time off. I only have 11 sick days, and it would take 15 to finish up maternity leave, if he is born on time. I want lots of time off with this little dude, with sick days left to take care of him when he gets sick.

I'm really thankful that I got bit with the nesting bug last week because I sure don't feel like doing much this week. It hurts! Just walking around is uncomfortable. All i am doing this week is maintaining the mess and tackling school stuff. I have some books to read, procedures to plan, and worksheets to type up. I also want to get the bag packed for the hospital once and for all. Just in case Tuesday is the big day. :)