Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer Memories

About an hour and a half ago, I arrived home from spending a wonderful afternoon with my in-laws. We ate lunch at Chick-Fil-A, went swimming, and then watched a movie.

As I watched all my sweet nieces and nephews kicking and splashing around in the pool and then crashing with a movie, I couldn't help but remember all my summer afternoons spent like that.

I specifically remember packing snacks and lunches and going to Four Winds Pool to spend a summer afternoon swimming, splashing, kicking, jumping, and flipping around in the water. The only time mom could get us out was during adult swim. Mom would relax with a book or visit with other parents, and sometimes she would swim with us. We'd get out after a few hours (and lots of threats from mom), go home, and enjoy a popsicle (the kind that you buy as a juice and freezes). Jenn and I would then crash with a movie while mom got dinner ready for when dad got home. Even better days were the ones where dad was off and we would have a cook-out for dinner! I can remember coming home, climbing out of our old Explorer, and smelling the hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill... yum!

I smile when I think of those fantastic lazy summer days, and I relished in today knowing that my nieces and nephews were creating the same awesome summer memories I now have in my head.