Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Routine!

This is truly my first real day of summer vacation, and I am super excited because I think I have stumbled upon the perfect summer routine for me (until little James makes his debut).

I get up in the morning with Chris (which is not too terribly early-- 7am or so), eat breakfast (maybe get ambitious enough one day to make us both breakfast), and send him off to work. Once he is gone, I throw on some "work clothes" and get to work on the house... not a whole lot! Just one chore at a time each day! Today I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen, plus mopped the floors, all while baby clothes were washing in the laundry room. (I know today was not one chore, and I am feeling it right now-- believe me! I am sitting in bed until Chris can get home and help me out-- my back hurts that much!) I then shower and make myself a simple lunch. That leaves my afternoon open for anything-- reading a good book, getting a pedicure (which I am scared to do until the house is a little more ready for baby), cutting my hair, going swimming, going to the doctor, and other fun stuff like that! :)

I am so excited about this routine, and if I tackle a chore a day, it does not over work me and helps me feel ready for baby. My plan for this week is to work on the nursery tomorrow now that all the clothes and items are clean and ready to go. On Wednesday I am going to straighten up our living room and dining room-- vacuum the furniture and floors and hopefully box up our DVDs. On Thursday I am going to work on our guest room/office and hopefully organize it for good. On Friday I am spending the day with my mom! :)

Right now I am truly thankful for all the work we completed over spring break, even though I was overwhelmed. I can't imagine what I would do right now if our house was in the same order as before spring break. It stresses me out a little bit, actually.'

So a little baby update... or maybe I shouldn't use "little"...

As of Friday, James measured at 7 pounds, 3 ounces. eek!
My doctor's office is doing nothing with this information, which I completely respect. A baby, no matter his weight, is still a preemie when born before his due date... as explained to me.
The ultrasound pictures are hard to decipher because James is all squished in there.
I go to the doctor every week now until he decides to come!

I am still trying to be content in the Lord's timing, even though I want James in my arms now! I watched A Baby Story this afternoon while I folded baby clothes, hoping James could take a hint. :)

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